17-21/10/2013 Annual Meeting of the LOCUS

Annual Vitamin Meeting of the Homocysteine LOCUS

Athens, Hellas. Host: Dr.Panagiotakos 17. – 21. October, 2013


Thursday, Oct.17.

06.00               Flight from Bergen with SAS via Copenhagen

                        Private bus-transport to the hotel: Parthenon (ca 30min)


14.00                Check-in

14:30 ca                        Lunch at the hotel

15.30-16.00       Train – Elektrikos to Harokopio University

(Taking train from stop Monastiraki direction Pireus, and getting off at stop Tavros)

16.00-16.10       Dr.Panagiotakos: Welcome

Head of the Department of Science of Nutrition –Dietetics of Harokopio University

16.10-16.35       Dr med. Anne Lise Bjørke Monsen: Maternal prepregnancy BMI and B vitamin status.

Pediatrician, Haukeland Hospital, Bergen.

16.35-16.55       Fellow Eli Skeie: Smoking and Plasma B-vitamins are Independently Associated with Serum Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids

16.55-17.15       George Dedoussis: Combined inheritance of MTHFR and LDLR genetic variants in early myocardial infarction           

Professor of Cellular and Molecular  Biology, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Harokopio Univesrity

Friday, Oct.18

09.00-09.30       Train – Elektrikos to Harokopio University

09.30-09.50       Fellow Nathalie Puaschitz: Dietary intake of saturated fat and risk of coronary events and all cause death in patients with coronary heart disease”

09.50-10.05       Paraskevi Detopoulou:Dietary intake of choline and betaine and cardiometabolic risk factor – The ATTICA study .
PhD.Clinical Dietician, Korgialeneio Benakio, General Hospital of Athens

10.10-10.30       Fellow Despoina Theofylaktopoulo: Determinants of kynurenines and markers of inflammation in the Hordaland Health study.

10.30-11.00       Coffee/tea

11.00-11.20       Fellow Yunpeng Ding: MTHFD1 and acute myocardial infarction in patients with stable angina pectoris.

11.20-11.40       Fellow Gard Svingen: Plasma Dimethylgycine is a Predictor of Mortality in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease.

11.40-12.00       Prof.Ottar Nygård: Dimethylglicine – a possible target for personalized nutrition.

12.00-13.30       Lunch breake.

13.30-13.50       Scientist Arve Ulvik: Evidence for increased catabolism of vitamin B6 during inflammation.

13.55-14.20       Prof. Per M. Ueland: Bevital: Assessment of nutritional status by vitamin markers.

14.30-14.50       Charis Liapi: Heart dysfunction induced by choline-deficiency in adult rats: the protective role of L-carnitine.

Associate Professor of Pharmacology, Department of Pharmacology, Medical School,National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

20.20    Main Dinner at Taverna Psavas with guests http://www.psaras-taverna.gr/en/