The electronic platform “Harokopeio University Open eClass” is an integrated Asynchronous Education & e-Course Management System for the support of the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programmes of Studies.

Erasmus Office
The Erasmus Office plans, coordinates and supervises the mobility activities of all members of the academic community of Harokopio University.

Library & Information Centre
The mission of the Library and Information Centre is the collection, processing and dissemination of information related to the cognitive subjects of the Departments of the Foundation, as well as the training of users and the development of their skills in the use of new technologies and the correct selection of information sources.
Useful services
Google Workspace for Education
Members of the Harokopio University of Athens community benefit from free access to Google’s suite of tools for academic purposes

Career Office
The main objective of the Office of Studies & Career Liaison is to develop and strengthen communication between students and graduates of Harokopio University and companies or other productive institutions where they could be employed, making appropriate use of their knowledge.

Quality Assurance Unit (Mo.Di.P)
The unit is the central coordinating body for all quality assurance and evaluation processes of the University’s work.
Academic Identity
The Electronic Academic Identity Service supports the relevant process for all members of the academic community and is a gateway for information on the multiple benefits and privileges related to its use.

User Technical Support Platform (IT-Helpdesk)
Through the Technical Support Platform (IT-Helpdesk), technical assistance and support is provided to members of the academic community regarding the operation of the voice and data network and the use of electronic services.